Primary Sources

“Susan B. Anthony Papers.” 22 Aug. 2007. The Library of Congress. 5 Dec. 2008.
These were actual papers written by Susan B. Anthony!
I was able to get a feel of how she felt about her work.

 “The Trial of Susan B. Anthony Historical Documents.” Federal Judicial Center. 16 Nov. 2008


There was a letter that Susan B. Anthony wrote to her good friend Elizabeth Cady Stanton. This letter not only tells what was going through Susan’s head at this time but it also shows some feelings and emotions Susan was having too.

"The Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony Papers Project." Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey. 6 June 2008.

This website was the most helpful website I found throughout all my research. This provided many documents from Susan B. Anthony. It was a great primary source resource!

Secondary Sources

Litt, Jody. “Susan B. Anthony.” Home Page. 12 Nov. 2008.

This website gave a very interesting poem about Susan B. Anthony. I was able to understand her better in a form of a poem. Plus it would be something interesting to add to my website!

“The Official Susan B. Anthony House.” Home Page.The Susan B.Anthony House. 23 Nov. 2008

 This website actually showed me real pictures of Susan B. Anthony’s home in Rochester, NY. I was able to visualize what the setting was like during her arrest.

 “Susan Brownell Anthony.” Susan B. Anthony Biography. Lakewood Public Library. 23 Nov. 2008

 I was able to get a basic timeline from this website of Susan B. Anthony. It showed me the main points in her life.

“Susan B. Anthony Quotes.” Brainy Quotes. 12 Dec. 2008.
Here, I was able to receive over ten quotes that Susan B. Anthony said herself. 

Ruth Ashby, Herstory: Women Who Changed the World. (New York: Byron Preiss Visual Publications, Inc, 1995).

This book gave a brief biography of Susan B. Anthony along with many other important women in history.


Kristina Dumbeck, Leaders of Woman’s Suffrage. (San Diego: Lucent Books, Inc, 2001).

 This book was all about the women's suffrage movement; from the beginning to the ending. It showed well the influence Ms. Anthony had on the United States.


Deborah Felder, The 100 Most Influential Women of All Time. (New York: Carol Publishing Group, 1996).

This book gave a short story on Susan B. Anthony and some quotes from her.